文章來源:www.tzdfxx.com 發布時間:2022-05-19 09:14:02 瀏覽次(cì)數:1253
Ramps are now using more and more users, but it is understood there are a lot of people do not understand Ramps, do not pay attention when there are many places to use, leading to the emergence of a lot of accidents should not happen, companies and operators to create loss and unnecessary trouble. Therefore, before using Ramps operator advance understanding of some of the issues in the course Ramps should be noted that, to avoid a lot of mistakes.
In the maintenance staff must ensure Ramps are hanging in prison, because sometimes Ramps will suddenly drop to maintenance personnel caused great casualties.
Ramps relief valve to adjust not just so likely to cause the entire hydraulic system of non-functioning, because each element of the hydraulic system is run under pressure, so once casually adjusted for machinery and personnel will cause great damage.
When the ramps in use, the table remained stable, firm, fixed the chain must be fixed firmly with the car, speed 3 km / h when towing.
The use of hydraulic oil to keep clean, not mixed with water and other impurities, generally replaced once every six months, with a number of hydraulic oil is generally winter N32, summer with No. N46, when Ramps fails, you should immediately stop operation, troubleshooting .
With hydraulic dock leveler, reduce labor intensity and exponentially increase the efficiency of loading and unloading operations, accelerate the velocity of the material, to obtain greater economic benefits.
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